Locked Door

Date: 25th Feb 2016 @ 12:24pm

Locked door

Manar lived where there was a war,

Now she lives in a house with a locked door.

Syria was hit by attacks,

Thats what made them pack their backpacks.


Syria, Lebanon then Bradford,

She wishes she could do what everyone could.

Manar is surely traumatised,

It will stick whith her for the rest of her life.


She's at home learning her times tables,

She wants to be a doctor if she's able.

Manar is a refugee,

I can't imagine that happening to me.


Manar lived where there was war,

Now she lives in a house with a locked door.

Syria was hit by attacks,

That's what made them pack their backpacks.


She used to hear a loud yell,

Will they return? Who can tell?

She's getting used to the English life,

She can finally sleep at night.

By Lola Stokes


Everyone made a poem about Manar (the refugees) life and how it's changed.

Thanks for reading.....Lola :-) 


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