Year 4 Weekly Blog 11.10.19

Date: 11th Oct 2019 @ 8:23am

This week in Year 4, we have been working extremely hard and enjoying the following activities:

  • Maths – We have started our new Maths unit of work which is addition and subtraction. We started by focusing on adding 1, 10, 100 and 1000 to any given number up to 10,000. We then moved onto adding 4 digits by 4 digits using the column method.
  • English – This week, we have started our new English topic of work. We are focusing on the book The Whale by Ethan Murrow and Vita Murrow. We have focused on writing sentences which contain fronted adverbials and nouns phrases which describe the pictures in the book.
  • Science – Electricity  - To identify conductor and insulators
  • Spelling – The prefix auto
  • Music, Computing and French
  • P.E.


Next week, we shall be enjoying the following activities:

  • Maths – We shall continue our work on addition and subtraction. We shall focus on column addition which involves carrying using the formal written method. Children shall also solve a range of challenging problems using this method.
  • English – We shall continue our work on The Whale by Ethan Murrow and Vita Murrow. We shall focus on prepositions, phrases which cause effect and planning our writing next week.
  • Science – Electricity  - To identify conductor and insulators
  • Spelling – The prefix auto
  • Music, Computing and French
  • P.E.

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