Artsmark Silver Award - 2022

Thank you for your recent submission, and congratulations on completing your Artsmark journey.

You've achieved an Artsmark Silver Award!

We are delighted to inform you that your setting has been awarded an Artsmark Silver Award. Congratulations!

Your Statement of Commitment and Statement of Impact have been assessed and we’re pleased to share this feedback from our assessors with you:

'Dovedale Community Primary School have used this Artsmark journey to develop and broaden your Music and Dance curriculum and extend the opportunities you offer your pupils in Art & Design, including entering competitions and your extra-curricular offer. Children have experienced music performances, and where budget has restricted visits you have moved to online opportunities. Arts and culture are valued for their own sake, and for their contribution to wellbeing, personal development, and the setting's sense of community, including how you connect with your pupils' parents. Arts and culture are linked to wider learning opportunities including History in the Autumn term and Geography in the Spring term. You have developed your art curriculum to ensure you study a representative range of artists.  Artsmark is included in your school development plan. Senior leaders and Arts Leads are increasing the breadth and depth of arts learning opportunities and they actively monitor the Artsmark process. You mentioned that robust leadership has ensured quality teaching and learning with strong outcomes. You have an existing partnership with DotArt and in other subject areas such as music you are beginning to engage with creative practitioners and organisations to support a broader range of arts experiences. Internal CPD has had a positive impact on teachers' ability to deliver arts lessons.  Could you draw attention to the creative and cultural industries as career choices, perhaps through your work with artists? Could you develop the voice and influence of all children and young people so they contribute actively to the planning and delivery of authentic arts, cultural and creative experiences and take ownership of their engagement and personal progression within the Arts?'

Congratulations on your Artsmark Silver Award!

Your award is valid for two years and will expire on 13/01/2025

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