Eco Warriors
Meet the Dovedale Eco Warriors
Making our school and our world a more environmentally friendly and sustainable place to be.
We meet regularly to discuss important issues surrounding waste, energy, pollution and susatinability,
and come up with ways we can help our school - and our world - and inspire others to come along
with us on our eco journey.
Find out more by clicking on our noticeboard below!
Eco Warriors Work
We always try to teach our children the value of being an active part of the community they belong to. Year 5 and 6 eco warriors were thanked by members of our community while out litter picking recently. We collected 3 bags of litter!
Thanks to Liverpool City Council for providing all the equipment! #keepbritaintidy
Eco walk. The eco team meet regularly to discuss - not only the school environment, but the local environment of our community, including the field, the streets and the residents that we interactive on a daily basis. Eco Warriors will be doing a local litter-pick walk and interviewing locals to get their opinion on the local environment. Look our for us on the local streets and... KEEP MOSSLEY HILL TIDY!
Environment Concern
We have achieved the Eco-Schools Merit Award 2023!
Walk to School

Saving Energy in School
Watch out! Eco warriors are coming for you, teachers! Because the 'energy crisis' and rising costs for our school, eco- warriors are putting into action their new policy on saving energy. They've done their review, research and survey, and realise that the biggest energy zapper is the interactive whiteboards. They will be coming round, especially at lunchtimes with stickers for teachers who need a friendly reminder to keep devices and lights off at breaktimes and lunchtimes.
After their latest meeting, the Eco Warriors have decided to run a competition to help remind our school to switch off their devices when they're not in use - expecially teachers! Winners will be revealed in assembly before the holiday break.